More info about the content of this program

The Personal BrandKey exists of:

8 elements that will be covered during the program:

  1. Who am I: what makes me “me” and what makes me unique? What are important experiences in my life and how have they formed me?
  2. My values & personality: what are distinctive character traits of mine and what values do I hold most important?
  3. What do i really want: what are my dreams, drivers and passions? What makes me happy and gives me energy?
  4. What do i have to offer: what am I good at? What are my talents, (core) qualities and development points?
  5. My core/essence:who am I at the core, in essence?
  6. Personal Insight:how do I describe the core of who I am, what I want to focus on and in what ways I will make a difference?
  7. Environment: what subject/theme/field of study do I want to engage in? What do I want to add to/contribute to the world and where?
  8. Target: in what way am I going to make a difference/make my dream come true? What ‘role’ do I want to play in the whole and what do I need to achieve my goal?

6 sessions (of approximately 3.5 hours each) in which the 8 elements of the personal BrandKey are discussed in detail

During the sessions we use both the conscious and subconscious knowledge and information that you carry with you. We do this through guided meditations/visualizations, metaphor sessions, various exercises and writing your life story. You learn to listen to your intuition and simultaneously set your energy field in motion so that you also work with yourself on a deeper level. You will eventually notice that you radiate more power and the impact on others is increased.

During the sessions I use my own energy reading and healing skills so I can support you in your process and can help you to retrieve and understand the information from your energy field. Also, and not entirely unimportant, during the sessions there is more than enough room for humor and fun. After all, growing is much more fun in a light than in a dark environment, right? A plant also grows better in sunshine than in shade.

1 on 1 breakthrough session (optional when participating in a group and can be purchased separately)

During the Personal BrandKey program you can, at a time that suits you, make use of a 1 on 1 session in which we address topics that are relevant to you. Because of the profound effect of this session, it is also called a ‘breakthrough session’ by former participants.

Personal (online) support in writing your ‘Yellow Brick Road”

In between the workshops I support you in writing your life story. I am convinced that the more insight you gain into the what, how and why of your past, the clearer it becomes for you to see where you want to go in the future: the stones of your own life path, the “Yellow Brick Road”, then become visible to you. It also becomes clear to you how you have been able to build up strength on the basis of painful or negative experiences in your life.

Participation in a private online group

You will have access to a private online group so you can ask questions and give each other feedback throughout the program.