Generation Z: today’s children & youth
If you want to reach, connect with or motivate children, youth and young adults, it is important to first understand who they are. And that means not just looking at what they show on the outside at school, on the street or on social media. To be able to strike them in their hearts, you have to know who they are deep inside.
Children, youth and young adults are not only inspiring, refreshing and humorous but also confrontational and extremely critical. It is always a challenge and a joy to engage in conversation with them. And the moment I gain the confidence to look behind the masks, straight into their hearts, is priceless. A moment that touches me every time. And over the past ten years I have had countless conversations with them on a wide variety of subjects.
Additionally, I conducted a large-scale and in-depth study amongfour thousand 5 to 25-year-olds andtheir parents, which yielded many surprising insights. For example, it turned out that Generation Z, the 5 to 25 year olds of today, not only feel differently, but also have a different approach to life and want to do things differently than their predecessors. It is a generation that, because of its special qualities and ideals, perhaps deserves a better name: ‘Generation Zenz’.
For whom are the insights about Generation Zenz interesting?
The insights about Generation Zenz are not only of interest for businesses, educational institutions, HRM employees and governments but also for parents, children and young people themselves.. Therefore I like to share my insights and inspiration through the book ‘Anders’, inspiration sessions, workshops and various blogs.
I can also offer additional insights and inspiration by conducting/coaching research for companies and organizations that want to make the world a bit more beautiful for them, for now and later.
The real story of generation Zenz, the 5- to 25 year olds of today
Are children and youngsters nowadays actually more spoiled, hard-to-handle and only thriving whilst online? Is there actually an explosion of children with ADHD, ADD, autism, high sensitivity, etc.? read more.
Would you like to know how I can support you/your organization through insight into this special generation? Or looking for more information?
Call or mail me. I'd be happy to tell you more. In addition to the offerings on this website, I am happy to share my insights through lectures/inspiration sessions and my blogs on various platforms.
Overview offering
Understanding today's children, adolescents & young adults

Book 'Anders' (Different)
'Anders' gives a glimpse straight into the heart of Generation Zenz and takes you into their world, to who they really are & what's on their minds deep down.

Market Research
What is more satisfying than going on a discovery expedition with your target group? They know better than anyone what moves them and whether your product or service strikes the right chord.

Inspiration sessions
Be inspired by key insights about Generation Zenz and gain insight into who they are and why they do what they do.
Key Notes & inspiration sessions about Generation Zenz
Be inspired by the key insights about Generation Zenz, today’s 5- to 25-year-olds, and gain insight into who they are, why they do what they do and how you can best respond to them.
Are you planning to organize a lecture or inspiration session for marketing & communication professionals, teachers, HRM staff, parents/educators or children, youth and young adults themselves? Then you’ve come to the right place.
I love to share my expertise and vast experience with children, youth, young adults and families. The lectures and inspiration sessions provide actionable insights & inspiration to better understand, reach and motivate them.
What’s in it for you?
You will get an insight into the how, what and why of the perception and behavior of children, adolescents and young adults and get actionable tools, do’s & don’ts that you can immediately get to work!
Depending on the background of the attendees, the content will be adapted to the specific information & inspiration needs. If desired, we can expand the inspiration session with an interactive part in which the participants immediately get to work with the insights gained.
Are you curious about the possibilities? Please contact me to see what I can do for you.
“Inspiring, enthusiastic and catchy. A story that definitely touched me…”
“Clear, unambiguous, inspiring, humorous and pure which makes it really sink in.”
“Sooo good to get confirmation of what I felt myself for years about this generation. Thank you!”
“A breath of fresh air this session. It is inspiring, catchy and humorously delivered. Just like a stand up comedian is narrating which makes you feel like you are watching real children and youth.”
Wow… because of this lecture, I really understand myself!”
“Ahh what a relief…. Turns out I am quite normal after all.”
“Gosh, so I don’t have pfeiffer but I’m just a young person suffering from the hormones, the growth of my body and the development of my brain.”
What topics can be covered?
There is a wide range of topics and themes that we can cover. Depending on your needs, we can make a selection so that the content of the session fits seamlessly with the attendees and your specific preferences. To give you an idea, we have listed a number of topics below.
Basic insight in the children, adolescents and young adults of today:
- On the road to adulthood: insight into the specific characteristics of the various phases of life that a child goes through on its way to adulthood. If desired, we can go specifically into the adolescent brain.
- The characteristic differences between boys and girls
- The TwinQ personality types and their influence on preferences and behaviour.
Influence of social environment
- Today’s parents: understanding the various parenting styles and parenting roles of today, and their impact
- The peer group: insight intopeer pressure and bullying and the how, what & why of social media
- School: in what way does the current education system suit today’s students?
Understanding the specifics of Generation Zenz
- Sensitive & intuitive: the how, what and why of the explosive growth of children & adolescents with labels such as ADHD, ADD, Autism and High Sensitiveand their sensitivity to explainable and inexplicable stimuli
- In search of meaning & zen: why have money, status and power lost their appeal, but what has becomeimportant for them now.
In addition, we can also address topics such as: overweight & obesity, nutrition, toys, characters, savings campaigns, (digital) media etc. and address specific issues that concern you or your organization.
Generation Zenz & the education system
I am very proud that the education sector is increasingly embracing the insights of Generation Zenz. This is partly thanks to the lectures I have had the privilege of giving at e.g.:
The TEDxAmsterdamED event of 2017

The teacher information days of Edu’Actief

The DOWN to EARTH – Earth Keeper festival

And for many years various training courses at the HAS University of Applied Sciences

CRKBO registered
TwinQ is certified in accordance with the quality code for educational institutions for short professional education. Short-term vocational education is understood to mean all training aimed at enabling people to function (better) in a (future) job.
Due to its registration in the CRKBO register, TwinQ has a VAT exemption for all personal development sessions, workshops and trainings. In addition, most companies have a budget for training and/or personal development. The advantage of this registration is that clients can rest assured that TwinQ meets the quality requirements for short professional education. More information can be found on the website of CRKBO
