What can you contribute to a new balance in the world?
Times are changing
It is clear that our planet is going through a major transformation. It is obvious considering the enormous growing pains we are currently experiencing.
After all, most transformations are accompanied by growing pains.Just think of children getting their first teeth, which is preceded by nights of crying and pain. Or the moment you learn to walk or ride a bicycle for the first time. That goes with trial and error. And perhaps the many crises in the world are also the beginning of a new era in which love will finally win from fear.
Reality = too bizarre to be true
Looking around these days and following the news, it seems as if we have all entered a season finale of “Game of Thrones. As if reality has been replaced by fiction. As if all the registers are being pulled out. One crisis follows another and triggers a huge wave of fear, sadness, anger and even aggression.
Our foundations are being seriously shaken. Think of themes like: life-death, freedom, connection, the right to be different/yourself, respect and even truth. Because what is still true today? Even reality suddenly seems too bizarre to be true.
Opposites magnified to be seen, acknowledged and released
To find out what was actually going on, I started looking for answers. I looked for them in mainstream, alternative and social media. But all I found there were contradictions. Discussions intertwine and sometimes it is almost impossible to follow what it is essentially about.
So I decided to go inside and continue my search there. In this I was extra stimulated by the Online Soulsessions I have been hosting for the past few weeks. In preparation for each session I tuned in to what was going on on our planet, in personal lives of others, in myself. What struck me was that there were striking similarities. That even in this crisis we are more connected than we may realize….
Among other things, I saw the struggle between the fundamental emotions of fear and love. You can see it in everything. In the struggle between the fear of getting sick/dead versus the desire for connection and freedom. Between the pain of rejection/discrimination versus the desire for appreciation/to be allowed to be yourself. etc. It seems as if opposites are now being magnified in order to be seen, acknowledged and finally released. As if our planet is a carpet that is being ripped out so that the old dust is released so that it can continue in a fresh and cleaned way.
Towards a new balance between light and dark
Even though balance seems far off when you are in the midst of chaos, everything in the universe is perfectly balanced and at the same time in constant motion. And currently we are on the way to a new balance in the balance between light and dark. Between love and fear…
Each time I tuned in to what was going on, the yin yang symbol appeared. The symbol where light and dark are dancing around each other, encouraging us to grow. You see, we need a certain amount of friction/darkness in order for the fire/light to rise ever higher.
- If we were always just in the light, paradise, where everything is possible and everything is fantastic, then there is no need to change or grow. The black dot in the white part of the yin yang symbol therefore represents the friction needed to set growth in motion.
- When we move into the dark part of the yin yang symbol (as many are experiencing now), we may feel that everything is stuck, there is no room to breathe, to be. But at the same time, there is always a point of light somewhere that encourages us to get moving again. It can be a desire, a memory, something that touches your heart in such a way that you are stimulated.

All life is meant to grow. Sometimes from the friction into the light and other times from the light into the darkness. In your personal life as well as in your thoughts about the situation in the world, you can get stuck in the white part (not wanting to change or being convinced that you don’t have to do anything yourself) or in the black part (being convinced that you can’t change anything). You have then (temporarily) lost the overview.
Peace starts within yourself…
In recent years, light has increased dramatically. The frequencies of both the earth and the human collective are rising rapidly. Since there is always a balance: also between light and dark, the dark will increase proportionally….
This realization frightened me at first. So it implied that the dark will become more and more powerful as the light increases. So how could there ever be a new, acceptable balance between light and dark? And what could I myself contribute to a better world? After all, I’m only a small part of the whole… And that’s exactly where the answer was!
Just because I am part of the whole, I have an essential contribution to make to restoring the balance. For what if the task of a ‘lightworker’ has nothing to do with unilaterally embracing the light in yourself? But more with embracing all that is: both the light and dark?
Spiritual growth is often confused with embracing only the light within yourself by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings. There is then a risk of suppressing negative emotions such as anger, fear and disappointment. Emotions that you would rather not feel, let alone express, because you might end up in conflict with others. But suppressing negative emotions can cause you to be in conflict with yourself and then feel powerless, frustrated, guilty or bad.

Denying ‘negative emotions’ is also equal to denying your own inner fire, your power. By embracing the dark side in yourself, taking it seriously and looking it in the eye without judgment, the power, desire and fire that lies behind these emotions can be released and start working for you instead of against you.
By embracing your own dark sides, you not only ensure that you are more powerful in your own right, but you also prevent the dark from having to manifest more and more in the outside world.
Peace begins within you. By connecting with your heart you can embrace both the light and dark within yourself. Lovingly and without judgment… And in doing so, you contribute to a new balance between dark and light.
Take care of the world and be kind to yourself.
Podcast – Angeltalks: the awakening to your true self
“Just remember who you are and the world will change.”
In this channel i will share my insights and inspiration regarding the awakening to your true self and what’s going on in our personal lives and on a global scale.
My insights & inspirations are based on my own personal development, profound research into all aspects of life (e.g. a research amongst five thousand 5-25 years old which laid the foundation of my book and the lessons of numerous persons I was able to coach). But most of all, since i’m also an energy reader, i will share my insights based on tuning in into the current global energies.
Besides the YouTube episodes over here, you can also listen to the podcast on Spotify and Soundcloud.
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