Angela Weghorst
As a little girl, I knew that there is ‘more’. This is probably why I subconsciously wanted to explore life from different points of view in order to develop my own vision. So I havestudied Industrial Design at the Technical University at Delft (Netherlands), and for about 12 years the course ‘intuitive development & energy reading’ at Margriet van Bentem. Have been working as a marketeer (e.g. responsible for the global Maxi Cosi brand) and the past 15 years i’ve been working as a marketing-/consumer insights consultant, specialized in brand positioning/development and marketing strategy and as a trainer/coach personal & intuitive development. Besides that since a few years i’m also an author of the book ‘Anders: the true story of generation Zenz, the 5 to 25 year-olds of today’which, by the way, is a big surprise for me since I always assumed I didn’t like writing.
- Work activities: Consumer Insights consultant | trainer-coach personal- & intuitive development | author & keynote speaker | founder TwinQ: the key to your target group/yourself.
- Fields of interest:people, personal development, brand-/concept development, energy reading/healing, soul purpose, uncovering the essence of people/propositions, the power of love and live itself.
- Key words: enthusiastic, pure, driven, inspiring, curious, open, no-nonsense and direct, warm, authentic, analytical, intuitive and creative.
- Modus operandi: I combine marketing, psychology, intuition and creativity with a touch of humor.
When you are able to grasp the core, the essence, the answer automatically appears
The common thread in all my work is my fascination for humans: who are they and why are humans the way they are and act as they do? In order to get an answer to this, I have read countless books about the human psyche, studied neuro-marketing, spirituality, followed every reallife program and did extensive research into others and myself.
Where I found most of the answers, by the way, was during the study ‘energy reading and intuitive development’, which I followed for twelve years (EKV with Margriet van Bentem). There I learned, amongst other things, to look much deeper at myself and others: beyond the veils of physical reality. Something which I was able to apply during numerous marketing projects as well as during the personal development projects. It helps me to get to the heart of the matter in no time. So my background is creative, technical, commercial, psychological as well as energetic/ spiritual.
“Angela knows how to strike the right chord with people and sees everyone’s strength. She guides you in an enthusiastic way to discover yourself. She has passion for her profession and with her open mind and loving attitude she gets everyone on board. I myself have been able to participate in her program and I have gained a lot from it! I appreciated the context of following the sessions with others, because it is very special to see the other participants grow as well!”
Roos –Lecturer HAS University of Applied Sciences
“Angela is the best consumer insight consultant I know. She flawlessly combines consumer insight consultancy, brand positioning/development and marketing strategy. A perfect addition to any innovation team.”
Philippe – General manager design agency
“Angela could not have come up with a more suitable name for her company. If anyone is capable of evoking the twinkle in a client’s eye, it’s Angela.”
Wim Jurg – Merkontwikkeling
“Angela is a professional coach, who provides you with useful tools that you can apply both privately and professionally. When you want to develop yourself on a personal level she is able to ask you the right questions. Through proper reflection she will lead you to your goals. And that’s what she did with me by making me recognize my challenges and pitfalls, among other things. Moreover, she is a great and beautiful person.”
Ellis –Account Director
“TwinQ has conducted several qualitative surveys amongst children for Plus, each time looking for ‘winning’ loyalty campaigns. We were very impressed by the enormous flexibility and service orientation of this agency. For example, the insights obtained during the project were immediately translated into optimized concepts. As a result, we found a number of winning concepts.”
Mireille Verberkt – Manager Loyaliteit, Plus Retail
“At first, there were some doubts amongst the editorial staff about ‘a research’, but by the end of it they were eager to get started, to implement all the new insights. The report was a real godsend. With every edition of ‘Stoer!’, this practical guide is consulted again.”
Sandra Kers – ZPress Young
“Angela has conducted an elevator pitch training – as part of the project on short supply chains – where the participants were challenged to put their deeper personal/company story central in preparation for a pitch to local market participants. Participants look back on a very successful and special evening!”
Albert de Hollander – Owner Local Fruit Consultancy
“I am really heavily impressed… I have learned more with this program than years of therapy with my psychologist…”
My dream is that everyone is free to be themselves, just the way they are
And that everyone is given the chance to become the best version of themselves, and not a modified version as (we think) others want us to be.
I firmly believe that when we tap into everyone’s full potential, everyone’s unique passions and talents, we collectively are able to make this world a better place. For now and later. My desire is to be able to affect and inspire as many people as possible so they (re)discover their own core & strength, remember their unique place in the whole and are able to do who they are.
In other words: “Be the best of whatever you are” – Martin Luther King Jr.
My passion is to uncover and understand what’s going on deep inside the hearts of young and old
My passion is to uncover what’s going on deep inside the hearts of young and old and translate it into tangible insights and inspiration you can start working with right away. The search for the essence and the correct translation is something that fascinates and inspires me immensely. I am always looking for the twinkle in the eyes, which indicates that you know how to strike the right chord to set someone in motion: whether it concerns your target group or yourself. That twinkle makes me go a step further than just offering insight. I am only satisfied when I have been able to offer a clear overview as well as touching the core. Because it is precisely in that core, that essence, that I find the answer for real innovation and growth. And I am secretly quite proud that I have been able to stand at the cradle of countless successful marketing propositions and personal transformations.

The real story of generation Zenz, the 5- to 25 year olds of today
Are children and youngsters nowadays actually more spoiled, hard-to-handle and only thriving whilst online? Is there actually an explosion of children with ADHD, ADD, autism, high sensitivity, etc.? read more.
Want to know what I can do for you/your organization? Or looking for more information?
Call or mail me. I'd be happy to tell you more. In addition to the offerings on this website, I am happy to share my insights through lectures/inspiration sessions and my blogs on various platforms.
Three areas of expertise

The children & youth of today
Looking for insights & inspiration to truly understand, motivate and connect with 5-25 year olds?

Personal & intuitive development
Would you like to grow and develop on a personal and/or intuitive level?

Positionering & strategie
Looking for the hot button to strike the heart of your target group and trigger them to take action?
CRKBO registered
TwinQ is certified in accordance with the quality code for educational institutions for short professional education. Short-term vocational education is understood to mean all training aimed at enabling people to function (better) in a (future) job.
Due to its registration in the CRKBO register, TwinQ has a VAT exemption for all personal development sessions, workshops and trainings. In addition, most companies have a budget for training and/or personal development. The advantage of this registration is that clients can rest assured that TwinQ meets the quality requirements for short professional education. More information can be found on the website of CRKBO
